Warren's Flip-Chip Tester

Debugging a DEC PDP-8 that has not run in 20-30 years is a nearly impossible task. So much of the processor is usually broken that there is not enough functional logic to even begin debugging. When we started working on the DEC PDP-8/L we could debug and repair about 1-2 FlipChips (the boards in the PDP-8/I, PDP-8/L, and PDP-12) per Saturday workday. It was going to take years of Saturdays to get the system running. Our volunteer Waren Stearns made a tester for the FlipChip used in these systems.

Standard 0.1" jumpers connect the pins on the FlipChip socket to the SPI chips so that individual signals can be disconnected for debugging.

Additional resistors are located on the board that can be connected to high-current signals to provide an additional load.

The original design of the FlipChip tester was implemented with five Microchip MCP23S17 SPI 16-bit input/output port expanders. The SPI bus on each of these chips was connected to individual pins on a laptop's parallel port. Warren wrote software to read a test vector file and control the FlipChip tester. The 5x SPI buses were "bit-bashed" by wiggling the parallel port pins. Some of the simple FlipChips have just a few test vectors. Complicated FlipChips, like the M220, have over 2,000 test vectors.



A group of interested PDP-8 enthusiasts revived Warren's Flipchip tester design. Vincent Slyngstad made a PCB based on Warren's original design, and kept the original component locations.

Click on the image for a larger view.

The top side of Warren's FlipChip tester.

Click on the image for a larger view.

The PCB version of Warren's tester with an M220 from a PDP-8/I installed.

Click on the image for a larger view.

The bottom side of Warren's FlipChip tester.

During testing of this new PCB we found some interesting issues with the original design.

To Do:

Long Term goals:

The Windows GUI to run the tester is operational, but still undergoing test and development.