Barcode Scanners

We are happy to announce our new "Donna Greene Collection" of bar code scanning equipment donated by Pss of Clinton, MA.

Pss was formed in 1991. In 2004 we began to write software for retail oriented Mobile devices

We won several vendor awards in the 1990's for this effort

Our open platform product had us developing for a large swath of devices

Many of the companies we wrote for no longer exist

Each device we developed for required them to send us at least 2 units for us to use for testing

As a result we have a quite a few in the storage room

We display about 30 units around the office

We are no longer in the hardware business

All application we develop today run on tablets and smartphones

pss was founded by Jeff Swann and the late Donna M. Greene

Donna was notorious for keeping the equipment in case it had value

So before we dispose the 100+ units I thought, in honor of her approach to see if they have use to someone and if so perhaps name the collection in her honor