This IBM eServer z890 was donated by the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training and PSR of Canton, MA.

The machine is in the same family as the IBM 360 and 370 , 390 mainframe systems, and was first introduced in 2004. It will run Linux as well as other IBM operating systems.

IBM eServer zSeries is the family name for the successor to the S/390 mainframe. This one is a 2086 series, but we need to get a complete inventory of the processor, memory, and I/O configuration. There are 28 models in the 2086 series with the largest 60x faster than the smallest.

It does have two ESCON boards and an Ethernet board. We didn't get any storage devices with the system because they would have contained confidential data. 

The front side of the IBM eServer zSeries.

Click on the image for a larger view.

Inside of the front side of the IBM eServer zSeries.

The rear side of the IBM eServer Z Series.

Inside of the rear of the IBM eServer Z Series.