SWTPC 6800 PC - 1976

This SWTPC 6800 was donated by Matthew Lucas of Lake Forest California. The PC comes with the CPU unit, a cassette interface, 2 floppy drives, the display interface, cassettes, DOS and BASIC plus software. There are also a few small little boards I included that I don't offhand recall what they do. One might be a sound board, It was a huge deal when I think in 78 or 79 we got the a) disk drive interface b) someone wrote a DOS for this platform and c) Wrote a BASIC interpreter. When first built, any program had to be loaded directly into memory in hex. Registers had to be set and then the execute command given. If you didn't save to the cassette tape, you had to type it all back in again next time. I didn't find the cassette machine but it was just a generic tape deck where the analog audio mic and speaker output was used (If I recall correctly). There were other competitors in the market then, all based around the Intel 8088 chip that were marketed to consumers. This one was unique as it was built on the Motorola 6800 (Similar to the 6502 used in the original Apple machines).

This unit hasn't been started in at least 30 years, it was working at the time. My Dad was an electrical engineer who build just about all of this by hand from kits or scratch from a magazine article. Some were purchased from a shop that used to be in Escondido. 

I am also sending you an original Teletype with 4 manuals. There is also a CPU programming board in there with manuals. Can't' remember if it was used for programming EPROMS or just practicing code. 

As of today I've worked at AT&T for 38 years in IT roles and wrote code for a while in my 20s (back when that wasn't common). My degree is in computer science. We presented this machine and some software I wrote as a science project when I was in junior high in 1977. It was used regularly by my Dad until he picked up an IBM PC clone around 1986. It's fair to say I owe my career to this machine and of course, to my Dad.